
class animator.skia.Canvas

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: animator.skia.Canvas, array: numpy.ndarray, ct: animator.skia.ColorType = <ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType: 4>, at: animator.skia.AlphaType = <AlphaType.kUnpremul_AlphaType: 3>, cs: animator.skia.ColorSpace = None, surfaceProps: animator.skia.SurfaceProps = None) -> None

    Creates raster Canvas backed by numpy array.

    param array

    numpy array of shape=(height, width, channels) and appropriate dtype. Must have the valid number of channels for the specified color type.

    param ct

    color type

    param at

    alpha type

    param cs

    color space

    param surfaceProps

    optional surface properties

  2. __init__(self: animator.skia.Canvas) -> None

  3. __init__(self: animator.skia.Canvas, width: int, height: int, props: animator.skia.SurfaceProps = None) -> None

  4. __init__(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bitmap: animator.skia.Bitmap) -> None

  5. __init__(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bitmap: animator.skia.Bitmap, props: animator.skia.SurfaceProps) -> None


MakeRasterDirect(info, pixels[, rowBytes, props])

Allocates raster Canvas that will draw directly into pixel buffer.

MakeRasterDirectN32(width, height, pixels, ...)

Allocates raster Canvas that will draw directly into pixel buffer.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


Returns a tuple of (memoryview of pixels, image info, rowBytes, origin) if the pixels can be read directly.

clear(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

clipIRect(self, irect, op)

clipPath(self, path, op, doAntiAlias)

clipRRect(self, rrect, op, doAntiAlias)

clipRect(self, rect, op, doAntiAlias)

clipRegion(self, deviceRgn, op)

clipShader(self, sh, op)

concat(self, matrix)


drawArc(self, oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, ...)

drawAtlas(self, atlas, xform, tex, colors, ...)

Draws a set of sprites from atlas, defined by xform, tex, and colors using mode and sampling.

drawCircle(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawColor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawDRRect(self, outer, inner, paint)

drawGlyphs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawIRect(self, rect, paint)

drawImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawImageLattice(self, image, lattice, dst, ...)

drawImageNine(self, image, center, dst, filter)

drawImageRect(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawLine(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawOval(self, oval, paint)

drawPaint(self, paint)

drawParagraph(self, paragraph, x, y)

Draws the paragraph at the given x and y position.

drawPatch(self, cubics, colors, texCoords, ...)

drawPath(self, path, paint)

drawPicture(self, picture[, matrix, paint])

drawPoint(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

drawPoints(self, mode, pts, paint)

Draw a list of points, pts, with the specified mode and paint.

drawRRect(self, rrect, paint)

drawRect(self, rect, paint)

drawRegion(self, region, paint)

drawRoundRect(self, rect, rx, ry, paint)

drawShadow(self, path, zPlaneParams, ...)

Draw an offset spot shadow and outlining ambient shadow for the given path using a disc light.

drawSimpleText(self, text, encoding, x, y, ...)

Draws text at (x, y) using font and paint.

drawString(self, text, x, y, font, paint)

drawText(self, text, x, y, font, paint, ...)

Draws the text at (x, y) using the given font and paint useing SkTextUtils.

drawTextBlob(self, blob, x, y, paint)

drawVertices(self, vertices, mode, paint)







Returns SurfaceProps, if Canvas is associated with raster surface.








makeSurface(self, info[, props])


Returns a Pixmap describing the pixel data.

quickReject(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

readPixels(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.



restoreToCount(self, saveCount)

rotate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


saveLayer(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

saveLayerAlpha(self, bounds, alpha)

saveLayerAlphaf(self, bounds, alpha)

scale(self, sx, sy)

setMatrix(self, matrix)

skew(self, sx, sy)

toarray(self, srcX, srcY, ct, at, cs)

Returns a ndarray of the current canvas' pixels.

translate(self, dx, dy)

writePixels(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

static MakeRasterDirect(info: animator.skia.ImageInfo, pixels: buffer, rowBytes: int = 0, props: animator.skia.SurfaceProps = None) animator.skia.Canvas

Allocates raster Canvas that will draw directly into pixel buffer.

  • infoImageInfo describing pixel buffer

  • pixels – pixel buffer

  • rowBytes – number of bytes per row

  • props – optional SurfaceProps

static MakeRasterDirectN32(width: int, height: int, pixels: buffer, rowBytes: int) animator.skia.Canvas

Allocates raster Canvas that will draw directly into pixel buffer.

class PointMode

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object





property name
class SaveLayerFlags

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object





property name
class SrcRectConstraint

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object




property name
accessTopLayerPixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas) Optional[tuple]

Returns a tuple of (memoryview of pixels, image info, rowBytes, origin) if the pixels can be read directly. Otherwise, returns None.

clear(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. clear(self: animator.skia.Canvas, color: int) -> None

  2. clear(self: animator.skia.Canvas, color: animator.skia.Color4f) -> None

clipIRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, irect: animator.skia.IRect, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>) None
clipPath(self: animator.skia.Canvas, path: animator.skia.Path, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>, doAntiAlias: bool = False) None
clipRRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rrect: animator.skia.RRect, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>, doAntiAlias: bool = False) None
clipRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rect: animator.skia.Rect, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>, doAntiAlias: bool = False) None
clipRegion(self: animator.skia.Canvas, deviceRgn: animator.skia.Region, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>) None
clipShader(self: animator.skia.Canvas, sh: animator.skia.Shader, op: animator.skia.ClipOp = <ClipOp.kIntersect: 1>) None
concat(self: animator.skia.Canvas, matrix: animator.skia.Matrix) None
discard(self: animator.skia.Canvas) None
drawArc(self: animator.skia.Canvas, oval: animator.skia.Rect, startAngle: float, sweepAngle: float, useCenter: bool, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawAtlas(self: animator.skia.Canvas, atlas: animator.skia.Image, xform: Optional[List[animator.skia.RSXform]], tex: List[animator.skia.Rect], colors: Optional[List[int]], mode: animator.skia.BlendMode, sampling: animator.skia.SamplingOptions, cullRect: animator.skia.Rect = None, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) None

Draws a set of sprites from atlas, defined by xform, tex, and colors using mode and sampling.

drawCircle(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawCircle(self: animator.skia.Canvas, cx: float, cy: float, radius: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

  2. drawCircle(self: animator.skia.Canvas, center: animator.skia.Point, radius: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

drawColor(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawColor(self: animator.skia.Canvas, color: int, mode: animator.skia.BlendMode = <BlendMode.kSrcOver: 3>) -> None

  2. drawColor(self: animator.skia.Canvas, color: animator.skia.Color4f, mode: animator.skia.BlendMode = <BlendMode.kSrcOver: 3>) -> None

drawDRRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, outer: animator.skia.RRect, inner: animator.skia.RRect, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawGlyphs(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawGlyphs(self: animator.skia.Canvas, glyphs: List[int], positions: List[animator.skia.Point], clusters: List[int], utf8text: str, origin: animator.skia.Point, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

    Draws glyphs, at positions relative to origin styled with font and paint with supporting utf8text and clusters information.

  2. drawGlyphs(self: animator.skia.Canvas, glyphs: List[int], positions: List[animator.skia.Point], origin: animator.skia.Point, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

Draws glyphs, at positions relative to origin styled with font and paint.

  1. drawGlyphs(self: animator.skia.Canvas, glyphs: List[int], xforms: List[animator.skia.RSXform], origin: animator.skia.Point, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

Draws glyphs, with xforms relative to origin styled with font and paint.

drawIRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rect: animator.skia.IRect, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawImage(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawImage(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, left: float, top: float) -> None

  2. drawImage(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, left: float, top: float, sampling: animator.skia.SamplingOptions = <animator.skia.SamplingOptions object at 0x7f2050122530>, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) -> None

drawImageLattice(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, lattice: SkCanvas::Lattice, dst: animator.skia.Rect, filter: animator.skia.FilterMode = <FilterMode.kNearest: 0>, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) None
drawImageNine(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, center: animator.skia.IRect, dst: animator.skia.Rect, filter: animator.skia.FilterMode, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) None
drawImageRect(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawImageRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, src: animator.skia.Rect, dst: animator.skia.Rect, sampling: animator.skia.SamplingOptions = <animator.skia.SamplingOptions object at 0x7f20501141f0>, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None, constraint: animator.skia.Canvas.SrcRectConstraint = <SrcRectConstraint.kFast_SrcRectConstraint: 1>) -> None

  2. drawImageRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, image: animator.skia.Image, dst: animator.skia.Rect, sampling: animator.skia.SamplingOptions = <animator.skia.SamplingOptions object at 0x7f2052985bb0>, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) -> None

drawLine(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawLine(self: animator.skia.Canvas, x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

  2. drawLine(self: animator.skia.Canvas, p0: animator.skia.Point, p1: animator.skia.Point, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

drawOval(self: animator.skia.Canvas, oval: animator.skia.Rect, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawPaint(self: animator.skia.Canvas, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawParagraph(self: animator.skia.Canvas, paragraph: animator.skia.textlayout.Paragraph, x: float, y: float) None

Draws the paragraph at the given x and y position.

drawPatch(self: animator.skia.Canvas, cubics: List[animator.skia.Point], colors: Optional[List[int]], texCoords: Optional[List[animator.skia.Point]], mode: animator.skia.BlendMode, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawPath(self: animator.skia.Canvas, path: animator.skia.Path, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawPicture(self: animator.skia.Canvas, picture: animator.skia.Picture, matrix: animator.skia.Matrix = None, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) None
drawPoint(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. drawPoint(self: animator.skia.Canvas, x: float, y: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

  2. drawPoint(self: animator.skia.Canvas, p: animator.skia.Point, paint: animator.skia.Paint) -> None

drawPoints(self: animator.skia.Canvas, mode: animator.skia.Canvas.PointMode, pts: List[animator.skia.Point], paint: animator.skia.Paint) None

Draw a list of points, pts, with the specified mode and paint.

drawRRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rrect: animator.skia.RRect, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rect: animator.skia.Rect, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawRegion(self: animator.skia.Canvas, region: animator.skia.Region, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawRoundRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rect: animator.skia.Rect, rx: float, ry: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawShadow(self: animator.skia.Canvas, path: animator.skia.Path, zPlaneParams: animator.skia.Point3, lightPos: animator.skia.Point3, lightRadius: float, ambientColor: int, spotColor: int, flags: int = <ShadowFlags.kNone_ShadowFlag: 0>) None

Draw an offset spot shadow and outlining ambient shadow for the given path using a disc light.

drawSimpleText(self: animator.skia.Canvas, text: str, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding, x: float, y: float, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None

Draws text at (x, y) using font and paint.

drawString(self: animator.skia.Canvas, text: str, x: float, y: float, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawText(self: animator.skia.Canvas, text: str, x: float, y: float, font: animator.skia.Font, paint: animator.skia.Paint, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>, align: animator.skia.TextUtils_Align = <TextUtils_Align.kLeft_Align: 0>) None

Draws the text at (x, y) using the given font and paint useing SkTextUtils.

drawTextBlob(self: animator.skia.Canvas, blob: animator.skia.TextBlob, x: float, y: float, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
drawVertices(self: animator.skia.Canvas, vertices: animator.skia.Vertices, mode: animator.skia.BlendMode, paint: animator.skia.Paint) None
getBaseLayerSize(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.ISize
getBaseProps(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.SurfaceProps
getDeviceClipBounds(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.IRect
getLocalClipBounds(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.Rect
getLocalToDeviceAs3x3(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.Matrix
getProps(self: animator.skia.Canvas) Optional[animator.skia.SurfaceProps]

Returns SurfaceProps, if Canvas is associated with raster surface. Otherwise, returns None.

getSaveCount(self: animator.skia.Canvas) int
getSurface(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.Surface
getTopProps(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.SurfaceProps
getTotalMatrix(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.Matrix
imageInfo(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.ImageInfo
isClipEmpty(self: animator.skia.Canvas) bool
isClipRect(self: animator.skia.Canvas) bool
makeSurface(self: animator.skia.Canvas, info: animator.skia.ImageInfo, props: animator.skia.SurfaceProps = None) animator.skia.Surface
peekPixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas) animator.skia.Pixmap

Returns a Pixmap describing the pixel data.

quickReject(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. quickReject(self: animator.skia.Canvas, rect: animator.skia.Rect) -> bool

  2. quickReject(self: animator.skia.Canvas, path: animator.skia.Path) -> bool

readPixels(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. readPixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas, dstInfo: animator.skia.ImageInfo, dstPixels: buffer, dstRowBytes: int = 0, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool

Copies dstInfo pixels starting from (srcX, srcY) to dstPixels buffer.

  1. readPixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas, pixmap: animator.skia.Pixmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool

  2. readPixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bitmap: animator.skia.Bitmap, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0) -> bool

resetMatrix(self: animator.skia.Canvas) None
restore(self: animator.skia.Canvas) None
restoreToCount(self: animator.skia.Canvas, saveCount: int) None
rotate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. rotate(self: animator.skia.Canvas, degrees: float) -> None

  2. rotate(self: animator.skia.Canvas, degrees: float, px: float, py: float) -> None

save(self: animator.skia.Canvas) int
saveLayer(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. saveLayer(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bounds: animator.skia.Rect = None, paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) -> int

  2. saveLayer(self: animator.skia.Canvas, layerRec: animator.skia.Canvas.SaveLayerRec) -> int

saveLayerAlpha(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bounds: animator.skia.Rect, alpha: int) int
saveLayerAlphaf(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bounds: animator.skia.Rect, alpha: float) int
scale(self: animator.skia.Canvas, sx: float, sy: float) None
setMatrix(self: animator.skia.Canvas, matrix: animator.skia.Matrix) None
skew(self: animator.skia.Canvas, sx: float, sy: float) None
toarray(self: animator.skia.Canvas, srcX: int = 0, srcY: int = 0, ct: animator.skia.ColorType = <ColorType.kRGBA_8888_ColorType: 4>, at: animator.skia.AlphaType = <AlphaType.kUnpremul_AlphaType: 3>, cs: animator.skia.ColorSpace = None) numpy.ndarray

Returns a ndarray of the current canvas’ pixels.

translate(self: animator.skia.Canvas, dx: float, dy: float) None
writePixels(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. writePixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas, info: animator.skia.ImageInfo, pixels: buffer, rowBytes: int = 0, x: int = 0, y: int = 0) -> bool

Writes pixels from a buffer to the canvas.

  1. writePixels(self: animator.skia.Canvas, bitmap: animator.skia.Bitmap, x: int = 0, y: int = 0) -> bool