
class animator.skia.TextBlob

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

__init__(self: animator.skia.TextBlob, text: str, font: animator.skia.Font, pos: Optional[List[animator.skia.Point]] = None, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) None

Creates a TextBlob with a single run of text and optional pos.



Recreates TextBlob that was serialized into data.

MakeFromPosText(text, pos, font, encoding)

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text with pos.

MakeFromPosTextH(text, xpos, constY, font, ...)

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text with xpos and a single constY value.

MakeFromRSXform(text, xform, font, encoding)

MakeFromString(string, font, encoding)

MakeFromText(text, font, encoding)

Creates TextBlob with a single run of text.

MakeOnPath(text, path, font, offset, encoding)

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text along path starting at offset.

__init__(self, text, font, pos, encoding)

Creates a TextBlob with a single run of text and optional pos.


getIntercepts(self, bounds[, paint])

Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.



static Deserialize(data: buffer) animator.skia.TextBlob

Recreates TextBlob that was serialized into data.

static MakeFromPosText(text: str, pos: List[animator.skia.Point], font: animator.skia.Font, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text with pos.

static MakeFromPosTextH(text: str, xpos: List[float], constY: float, font: animator.skia.Font, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text with xpos and a single constY value.

static MakeFromRSXform(text: str, xform: List[animator.skia.RSXform], font: animator.skia.Font, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob
static MakeFromString(string: str, font: animator.skia.Font, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob
static MakeFromText(text: str, font: animator.skia.Font, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob

Creates TextBlob with a single run of text.

static MakeOnPath(text: str, path: animator.skia.Path, font: animator.skia.Font, offset: float = 0, encoding: animator.skia.TextEncoding = <TextEncoding.kUTF8: 0>) animator.skia.TextBlob

Returns a TextBlob built from a single run of text along path starting at offset.

bounds(self: animator.skia.TextBlob) animator.skia.Rect
getIntercepts(self: animator.skia.TextBlob, bounds: List[float], paint: animator.skia.Paint = None) List[float]

Returns the number of intervals that intersect bounds.

serialize(self: animator.skia.TextBlob) animator.skia.Data
uniqueID(self: animator.skia.TextBlob) int