
class animator.scene.Scene(width: int | str = 854, height: int = 480, fps: float = 30, scale: float | tuple[int, int] | str = 1)

Bases: object

The scene class. This is the main class for creating animations. It initializes a frame and a canvas to draw on, and provides methods for displaying and saving them.

  • width – The width of the frame/scene.

  • height – The height of the frame/scene.

  • fps – The FPS used for animations.

  • frame – The internal frame (array) used for drawing. The data type is in RGBA format.

  • canvas – The skia.Canvas used for drawing.

  • bgcolor – The background color of the scene. This is used when clearing the scene after each frame.

__init__(width: int | str = 854, height: int = 480, fps: float = 30, scale: float | tuple[int, int] | str = 1) None
  • width – The width of the frame/scene or a string representing a resolution. Resolutions can be one of ‘144p’, ‘240p’, ‘360p’, ‘480p’, ‘720p’, ‘hd’, ‘1080p’, ‘fhd’, ‘fullhd’, ‘1440p’, ‘2k’, ‘2160p’, ‘4k’, ‘uhd’, ‘ultrahd’. The resolution strings are case-insensitive and may contain whitespaces.

  • height – The height of the frame/scene.

  • fps – The FPS used for saving the animation. The FPS used for displaying the animation may be different.

  • scale – Amount to scale the frame up or down. This can be a float, in which case the frame is scaled by that amount, or a tuple of two integers, in which case the frame is scaled to that size. This can also be a string representing a resolution (see width parameter). During displaying animations a large frame may cause lag or not fit on the screen. This factor is used to scale the frame down. By specifying a value >1, the frame can also be scaled up. If the aspect ratio of the frame is different from that of the scene, the frame will be centered.


__init__([width, height, fps, scale])

param width

The width of the frame/scene or a string representing a resolution. Resolutions can be one of


Add one or more entities to the scene.


Adds one or more animations to the scene.


Clears the frame and fills it with transparency.


Clears the frame and fills it with the background color.

play_frames([delay, keep_open])

Plays the animation by displaying each frame in the scene.


A simple way to quickly draw something on the scene.

r2a(pos[, padding])

Convert a point from the scene's relative coordinate system to absolute coordinates.

r2a_bounds(bounds, pos[, anchor, padding])

Convert the position of a bounding box from the scene's relative coordinate system to absolute coordinates.

save_frame(path[, quality])

Saves the current frame to a file.


Displays the current frame.


Updates the scene.


Waits for a specified amount of seconds before continuing.



An instance of Context2d wrapping the canvas.

add(*entities: animator.entity.entity.Entity) None

Add one or more entities to the scene.


entities – The entities to add.

animate(*animations: animator.anim.anim.Anim) None

Adds one or more animations to the scene.


animations – The animations to add.

clear() None

Clears the frame and fills it with transparency.

clear_with_bgcolor() None

Clears the frame and fills it with the background color.

property context2d:

An instance of Context2d wrapping the canvas. A Context2d wraps a skia.Canvas and provides additional methods for drawing. A scene contains a single Context2d instance, which can be accessed through this method.

play_frames(delay: Optional[float] = None, keep_open: bool = True) None

Plays the animation by displaying each frame in the scene.

  • delay – The delay between frames in seconds. If None, the delay is set to 1 / fps. If 0, the animation is played as fast as possible.

  • keep_open – Whether to keep the animation open after playing. To close the animation, press Esc or close the window.

quickdraw() Iterator[]

A simple way to quickly draw something on the scene. This method clears the scene and returns a Context2d for drawing. When the context manager exits, the frame is displayed.

>>> import animator as am
>>> scene = am.Scene()
>>> with scene.quickdraw() as ctx:
... / 2, scene.height / 2, 120)
...     ctx.fill()
>>> # A circle is drawn at the center with a black background.
r2a(pos: numpy.ndarray, padding: float = 25) animator.skia.Point

Convert a point from the scene’s relative coordinate system to absolute coordinates.

  • pos – The point in relative coordinates, a 2 element numpy array [x, y]. The coordinates are between -1 and 1, where -1 is the left/top edge of the scene and 1 is the right/bottom edge.

  • padding – The extra space around the scene, in pixels.


The point in absolute coordinates.

r2a_bounds(bounds: animator.skia.Rect, pos: numpy.ndarray, anchor: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, padding: float = 25) animator.skia.Point

Convert the position of a bounding box from the scene’s relative coordinate system to absolute coordinates.

  • bounds – The bounding box that is to be positioned.

  • pos – The position of the bounding box in relative coordinates, a 2 element numpy array [x, y]. The coordinates are between -1 and 1, where -1 is the left/top edge of the scene and 1 is the right/bottom edge.

  • anchor – The anchor point in the bounding box in relative coordinates, which will be positioned at pos. If None, it’ll be same as pos.

  • padding – The extra space around the scene, in pixels.


The position of the bounding box in absolute coordinates.

save_frame(path: str, quality: int = 100) None

Saves the current frame to a file.

  • path – The path to the file. The path may contain a {} placeholder, which will be replaced with the current frame number.

  • quality – The quality of the image, between 0 and 100. Defaults to 100.

show_frame() None

Displays the current frame.

update() bool

Updates the scene. This method is called before each frame is drawn. It draws all entities in the scene.


False if the animation should stop, True otherwise.

wait(seconds: float) None

Waits for a specified amount of seconds before continuing.